
A velocity-thresholds power splitting optimization for hybrid electric vehicles
Document Type
2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC) Control Conference (ECC), 2019 18th European. :4148-4153 Jun, 2019
Robotics and Control Systems
The various operating scenarios of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) require the design of suitable power splitting strategies for the hybrid drivetrain. A compromise between low complexity and high efficiency is always an issue for the power management implementation. In this paper the parallel HEV is assumed to operate under a power splitting strategy based on vehicle velocity and battery state of charge thresholds. The off-line minimization of a cost function related to the vehicle electrical and fuel consumptions determines the velocity-based quantization levels and the corresponding ratios of the power splitting between the actuators. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified through numerical simulations of the new European driving cycle and the worldwide harmonized light vehicle test procedure.