
Urdu Spoken Digits Recognition Using Classified MFCC and Backpropgation Neural Network
Document Type
Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV 2007) Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation, 2007. CGIV '07. :414-418 Aug, 2007
Computing and Processing
Signal Processing and Analysis
Mel frequency cepstral coefficient
Neural networks
Speech recognition
Feature extraction
Pattern recognition
Speech analysis
Artificial neural networks
Information technology
Computational complexity
Mel Frequency Cepsptral Coefficients
Urdu spoken digits recognition
Neural networks have found profound success in the area of pattern recognition. In the recent years there has been use of Neural Network for speech recognition. In this paper Backpropgation Neural Network has been used for isolated spoken Urdu Digits recognition. Mel Frequency Cepsptral Coefficients (MFCC) has been used to represent speech signal. Dimensions of speech features were reduced to a vector of 39 values. Only 39 values from MFCC features speech are fed to the Neural Network having more than one hidden layers with varying number of neurons, for training and recognition An analysis has been made between different number of hidden layers and different number of neurons on hidden layers. It has been found that results for these 39 values are similar to that obtained using complete MFCC features that range from 804 to 67x39. With the use of 39 values on input layer, computational complexity and time for training and recognition of neural network is reduced. In order to evaluate the significance of the proposed method on data other than Urdu digits, 30 English words have been trained and recognized that gave 98% results. All the implementation has been done in MATLAB.