
Integration of a High Frequency Inductive Power Transfer System to Energize Agricultural Sensors Through Soil
Document Type
2022 Wireless Power Week (WPW) Wireless Power Week (WPW), 2022. :366-371 Jul, 2022
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
General Topics for Engineers
Power, Energy and Industry Applications
Wireless communication
Wireless sensor networks
Power systems
High Frequency Inductive Power Transfer
Soil Moisture Sensor
Underground Sensors
Underground Power Transfer
This paper describes the design and integration of a 13.56 MHz inductive power transfer (IPT) system and an in-house underground soil sensor network. The transmitter of this wireless power system was retrofitted on a Matrice 100 drone for periodic fast-charging missions, and the receiver was designed to fit into a sealed underground enclosure. The experiments reported in this paper involve a 40-day agricultural field trial where power was fed wirelessly to the soil sensor network. During this trial, the receiver’s enclosure was buried at a depth of 200 mm in soil. These experiments feature an average charging efficiency (from the drone’s battery to the underground station) of 33.5% (5% peak) with a peak power transfer of 35 W. Compared to laboratory testing, a significant increase in the end-to-end losses (of around 30 W) was observed in the field tests due to the presence of soil.The work reported in this paper is part of a collaborative project which looks to enable state-of-the-art high-frequency wireless power technology in agricultural applications.