
Deep Saliency Map Generators for Multispectral Video Classification
Document Type
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022 26th International Conference on. :3757-3764 Aug, 2022
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Three-dimensional displays
Neural networks
Despite their black box nature, deep neural networks have been successfully used in practical applications lately. In areas where the results of these applications can lead to safety hazards or decisions of ethical relevance, the application provider is accountable for the resulting decisions and should therefore be able to explain, how, and why a specific decision was made. For image processing networks, saliency map generators are a possible solution. A saliency map gives a visual hint on what is of special importance for the network’s decision, can reveal possible dataset biases and give a more profound insight in the decision process of the black box.This paper investigates how 2D saliency map generators need to be adapted for 3D input data, and additionally, how the methods behave when applied not only to ordinary video input but rather multispectral 3D input data. This is exemplarily shown on 3D video input data in human action recognition in the infrared and visual spectrum and evaluated by using the insertion and deletion metrics. The dataset used in this work is the Multispectral Action Dataset, where each scene is available in the long-wave infrared as well as the visual spectrum. To be able to draw a more general conclusion, the two investigated networks, 3D-ResNet 18 and Persistent Appearance Network (PAN), follow a different mindset.It could be shown, that the saliency methods can also be applied to 3D input data with remarkable results. The results show that a combined training with both, infrared and RGB 3D input data, lead to more focused saliency maps and outperform a training with only RGB or infrared data.