
Design and development of a novel 3D printed 1-DOF tactile sensor with conductive polymer based sensing element
Document Type
2016 IEEE SENSORS SENSORS, 2016 IEEE. :1-3 Oct, 2016
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
General Topics for Engineers
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis
Tactile sensors
Three-dimensional displays
Sensor phenomena and characterization
tactile sensor
3D printed sensors
customisable sensors
conductive polymer
sensor structures
Tactile sensors provide vital information of robotics, manufacturing, and day to day household electronic appliances. Off the shelf force sensors are generally not cohesive to specific application requirements, resulting subsequently in sensor modules with unsuitable dimensionality, output characteristics, and mechanical properties. Encompassing these issues, rapid prototyping/ 3D printing could be utilised to develop highly customisable tactile sensors. In this paper, a novel sensor structure for a conductive polymer based tactile sensor has discussed. The inherent problems in conductive polymer piezoresistive characteristics such as operation range deviation w.r.t. chemical composition has mitigated.