
Supporting Coordination in Crowdsourced Software Testing Services
Document Type
2018 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE) SOSE Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 2018 IEEE Symposium on. :69-75 Mar, 2018
Computing and Processing
Computer bugs
Software testing
Task analysis
Software Testing
Crowdsourced Software Testing
Process improvements
Web Services.
Crowdsourcing is a new phenomenon with great opportunities and benefits; it refers to outsourcing a task to the internet crowds. Crowdsourced Software Testing (CST) is a specific, valuable crowdsourcing service. Its scale, flexibility, cost effectiveness and fast turnaround times are just a few reasons why web-based crowdsourced testing services have recently received a great deal of attention. Major software companies have used CST to test their applications. However, CST has its own challenges and limitations (e.g., tester selection dilemmas, test report processing, overall test quality). The lack of coordination support in CST activities is causing delays and missed opportunities; hence, the best test results may not be guaranteed. This paper presents ongoing research that aims to support coordination in CST activities by identifying coordination challenges in the current practices. The quantitative comparison of 15 CST platforms reveals a lack of computer-based support for testers, project managers and clients.