
3D Si interposer & WLP for small power devices for harsh conditions
Document Type
2017 IEEE 19th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2017 IEEE 19th. :1-6 Dec, 2017
Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Two dimensional displays
3D technology
silicon interposer
power electronics
wafer level chip scale package
wafer level molding and balling
As electronic power systems follow the general trend of miniaturization and functional density [1], this study targets reliable and low cost 3D heterogeneous integration technology using Through Silicon Vias (TSV) and Wafer Level Packaging (WLP) for the automotive market. The first part introduces an innovative process flow with focus on Wafer Level Over Molding (WLOM) and Wafer Level Balling (WLB). The second part covers electrical characterization as well as reliability tests (high temperature storage and electromigration), which have been performed on dedicated parts. The demonstrator is composed by 4 top dies stacked on a 200 μm thick silicon interposer featuring 40 μm diameter TSV last technology AR 5:1 with a pitch of 250 μm [2-3]. Finally, high temperature storage (1000 h, 200 °C) and electromigration (1.2 A, 500 h, 200 °C) results will be shown, using dedicated test structures in order to assess the compatibility of the integration to the harsh conditions. In that respect, several types of passivation materials, including organic, mineral and a combination of both materials, have been benchmarked by high temperature storage tests (HTS).