
Empirical Models for NB-IoT Path Loss in an Urban Scenario
Document Type
IEEE Internet of Things Journal IEEE Internet Things J. Internet of Things Journal, IEEE. 8(17):13774-13788 Sep, 2021
Computing and Processing
Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
Shadow mapping
Mathematical model
Long Term Evolution
Internet of Things
Fading channels
Cellular Internet of Things
massive machine-type communications (mMTCs)
narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT)
path-loss (PL) empirical models
The lack of publicly available large-scale measurements has hindered the derivation of empirical path-loss (PL) models for Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). Therefore, simulation-based investigations currently rely on models conceived for other cellular technologies, which are characterized, however, by different available bandwidth, carrier frequency, and infrastructure deployment, among others. In this article, we take advantage of data from a large-scale measurement campaign in the city of Oslo, Norway, to provide the first empirical characterization of NB-IoT PL in an urban scenario. For the PL average term, we characterize Alpha-Beta-Gamma (ABG) and Close-In (CI) models. By analyzing multiple NB-IoT cells, we propose a statistical PL characterization, i.e., the model parameters are not set to a single constant value across cells, but are randomly extracted from well-known distributions. Similarly, we define the PL shadowing distribution, correlation over distance, and intersite correlation. Finally, we give initial insights on the outdoor-to-indoor propagation, using measurements up to deep indoor scenarios. The proposed models improve the PL estimation accuracy compared to the ones currently adopted in NB-IoT investigations, enabling more realistic simulations of urban scenarios similar to the sites covered by our measurements.