
Sensitization of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on tobacco control measures of the public health ACT 851 and WHO FCTC Article 5.3 in Ghana
Document Type
Tobacco Induced Diseases, Vol 16, Iss 1 (2018)
Diseases of the respiratory system
Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens
Background and challenges to implementation Ghana on 11 th July 2012 passed a Public Health- Act 851-2012 ), part six of which is Tobacco Control Measures. MDAs have the responsibility to harmonize and coordinate approach to capacity development in the public sector and also in the administration according to existing Government of Ghana systems including laws, regulations, procedures and operating systems, hence matters so much in the success of tobacco control policy implementations in Ghana. Objective: To strengthen tobacco control governance systems and improve knowledge, specifically providing guidance for MDAs to prevent tobacco industry influence on policies. Intervention or response Materials used during the training were, Videos dubbed; "Don't Start"; and "A Heavy Price" which show evidence based documentary of testimonies from persons with all forms of cancers, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases due to tobacco use and "Smoker's Body". Power Point Presentations on the topics; Health Effects of Smoking/Tobacco use, Global Burden of Tobacco related diseases, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), Ghana's Public Health Law, ACT 851 (Part Six Tobacco Control Measures) Tobacco Industry Interference/What to do to counteract them, Ghana's Performance Status by the FCTC provisions, Prevalence of tobacco use and related mortality in Ghana, Tobacco Control; Whose Responsibility and Role of MDAs. There were also open forum for questions and answers. Results and lessons learnt A total of 566 MDAs in six from the ten regions in Ghana namely; Ashanti, Eastern, Brong Ahafo, Western, Northern and Volta Regions were sensitized. Conclusions and key recommendations This exercise was in compliance with WHO FCTC Articles implementation. It offered education to MDAs and prepared them in position to handle Tobacco Industry influence on policy that will only advance their vested interest which is to maximize profit at the expense of people's health.