
Characterization of Iron Powder Produced by Reduction of Hot-Rolled Mill Scale In Hydrogen Gas
Document Type
Materials Research, Vol 25 (2022)
Rolled mill scale
Reduction process
Crystallite size
Hydrogen atmosphere
Iron powder
Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials
Rolled mill scale is one of the most valuable industrial waste. The produced mill-scale briquettes are reduced by hydrogen at varying temperatures. The reduction is carried out at 800°C, 900°C, and 1000 °C and lasts for 120 minutes. The reduced samples are studied by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The reduction of mill scale allows the new use and development of this material to obtain sponge iron that can be reused to produce iron-based powder metallurgy components. From the SEM, EDS, and XRD analysis, it is clear that as the reduction temperature increases from 800°C to 1000°C, the amount of produced iron powder also increases at constant holding time, where the amount of iron powder produced at 800oC is 94.55%, but it is 98.22% at the reduction temperature of 1000°C. The proposed reduction process allows obtaining a sponge iron powder of an irregular morphology with different crystallite sizes as measured by the Scherrer equation, where the crystallite size increased with the reduction temperature. The minimum crystallite size value is 44.45nm at the reduction temperature of 800°C, but it equals 60.1nm at 1000°C.