
Distribution Pattern of Atherosclerosis in the Abdomen and Lower Extremities and Its Association with Clinical and Hematological Factors
Document Type
Vascular Health and Risk Management, Vol Volume 17, Pp 13-21 (2021)
elastic arteries
muscular arteries
risk factors
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system
Jong Kwon Park,1 Won Beom Jung,1 Jung-Hee Yoon2 1Department of Surgery, Haeundae Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Busan, Republic of Korea; 2Department of Radiology, Haeundae Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Busan, Republic of KoreaCorrespondence: Jong Kwon Park Email jparkvk@gmail.comPurpose: Abdominal arteries differ from the arteries located at the extremities in histological composition and clinical features. This study investigated the distributional pattern of atherosclerosis in arteries of the abdomen and lower extremities and its association with clinical and hematologic factors.Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included 227 patients with atherosclerosis who underwent computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the abdomen and lower extremities. The distributional pattern of atherosclerosis was categorized into type 1 (suprainguinal elastic), type 2 (infrainguinal muscular), and type 3 (both arterial involvement). Chi-square tests, Mann–Whitney U-tests, and logistic regression analysis were used to investigate the data.Results: Of the 227 patients, 132 (58%) had type 1 and 95 (42%) had type 3 atherosclerosis. None had type 2. Older age, heavier smoking, and higher levels of HbA1c and homocysteine were the significant risk factors for type 3 atherosclerosis (odds ratio: 1.076, 1.023, 1.426, and 1.130, respectively). Patients with type 3 showed significantly lower right and left ankle and toe brachial indices compared to type 1 (P: 0.029, 0.023, 0.003, and < 0.001, respectively).Conclusion: In arteries of the abdomen and lower extremities, atherosclerosis may occur initially at suprainguinal elastic arteries. In addition, the significant risk factors for type 3 atherosclerosis may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis at infrainguinal muscular arteries and deteriorate the peripheral arterial circulation. Therefore, if atherosclerotic lesions are found at the suprainguinal elastic arteries on CTA, to prevent atherosclerosis at infrainguinal muscular arteries and subsequent peripheral arterial ischemic disease, cessation of smoking and control of blood glucose and homocysteine may be recommended, especially in elderly patients.Keywords: atherosclerosis, elastic arteries, muscular arteries, risk factors