
Soot aerosols from commercial aviation engines are poor ice-nucleating particles at cirrus cloud temperatures
Document Type
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol 24, Pp 4537-4567 (2024)
Ice-nucleating particles catalyze ice formation in clouds, affecting climate through radiative forcing from aerosol–cloud interactions. Aviation directly emits particles into the upper troposphere where ice formation conditions are favorable. Previous studies have used proxies of aviation soot to estimate their ice nucleation activity; however, investigations with commercial aircraft soot from modern in-use aircraft engines have not been quantified. In this work, we sample aviation soot particles at ground level from different commercial aircraft engines to test their ice nucleation ability at temperatures ≤228 K as a function of engine thrust and soot particle size. Additionally, soot particles were catalytically stripped to reveal the impact of mixing state on their ice nucleation ability. Particle physical and chemical properties were further characterized and related to the ice nucleation properties. The results show that aviation soot nucleates ice at or above relative humidity conditions required for homogeneous freezing of solution droplets (RHhom). We attribute this to a mesopore paucity inhibiting pore condensation and the sulfur content which suppresses freezing. Only large soot aggregates (400 nm) emitted under 30 %–100 % thrust conditions for a subset of engines (2 out of 10) nucleate ice via pore condensation and freezing. For those specific engines, the presence of hydrophilic chemical groups facilitates the nucleation. Aviation soot emitted at thrust ≥ 100 % (sea level thrust) nucleates ice at or above RHhom. Overall, our results suggest that aviation soot will not contribute to natural cirrus formation and can be used in models to update impacts of soot–cirrus clouds.