
Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT ’EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010
Document Type
The Astronomical Journal, Vol 166, Iss 6, p 239 (2023)
Exoplanet astronomy
Exoplanet systems
Exoplanet dynamics
Exoplanet detection methods
Large-scale exoplanet surveys like the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission are powerful tools for discovering large numbers of exoplanet candidates. Single-transit events are commonplace within the resulting candidate list due to the unavoidable limitation of the observing baseline. These single-transit planets often remain unverified due to their unknown orbital periods and consequent difficulty in scheduling follow-up observations. In some cases, radial velocity (RV) follow up can constrain the period enough to enable a future targeted transit detection. We present the confirmation of one such planet: TOI-2010 b. Nearly three years of RV coverage determined the period to a level where a broad window search could be undertaken with the Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite, detecting an additional transit. An additional detection in a much later TESS sector solidified our final parameter estimation. We find TOI-2010 b to be a Jovian planet ( M _P = 1.29 M _Jup , R _P = 1.05 R _Jup ) on a mildly eccentric orbit ( e = 0.21) with a period of P = 141.83403 days. Assuming a simple model with no albedo and perfect heat redistribution, the equilibrium temperature ranges from about 360 to 450 K from apastron to periastron. Its wide orbit and bright host star ( V = 9.85) make TOI-2010 b a valuable test bed for future low-insolation atmospheric analysis.