
Effects of Ingesting Food Containing Heat-Killed Lactococcus lactis Strain Plasma on Fatigue and Immune-Related Indices after High Training Load: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, and Parallel-Group Study
Document Type
Nutrients, Vol 15, Iss 7, p 1754 (2023)
Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma
dendritic cell
high training load
Nutrition. Foods and food supply
Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma (LC-Plasma) is a unique lactic acid bacterium that activates plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs). We evaluated the effect of LC-Plasma on fatigue indices and dendritic cells activity in athletes after 14 days’ continuous exercise load. Thirty-seven participants were divided into two groups and consumed placebo (PL) or LC-Plasma capsules (containing 100 billion cells) daily for 14 days. Maturation markers on dendritic cells, blood parameters, physiological indices, and fatigue-related indices were recorded on days 1 and 15 (before and after exercise). Cumulative days of symptoms relating to physical conditions were also recorded during the continuous exercise period. We observed that CD86 as a maturation marker on pDCs was significantly higher and that cumulative days of fatigue were significantly fewer in the LC-Plasma group than in the Placebo group on day 15. We also conducted 2 h ergometer exercise on day 15 to evaluate fatigue. The results showed that autonomic fatigue parameters (LF/HF) were significantly lower in the LC-Plasma group. These results suggest that LC-Plasma supplementation alleviates fatigue accumulation and increases pDC activity caused by a continuous high training load.