
Draft genome sequence of the producer strain of aureocin 4181, an antimicrobial peptide with antagonistic activity against multidrug-resistant staphylococci
Document Type
Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Vol 23, Iss , Pp 331-333 (2020)
Genome sequencing
Staphylococcus aureus
Bovine mastitis
Aureocin 4181
Antimicrobial peptide
Multidrug resistance
Objectives: The present study reports the draft genome sequence of Staphylococcus aureus 4181, a strain involved in bovine mastitis that produces aureocin 4181, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide (AMP). Inhibition of multidrug-resistant (MDR) staphylococci involved in human infections by S. aureus 4181 was also investigated. Methods: A sequencing library was constructed using a Nextera XT DNA Library Preparation Kit (Illumina). Whole-genome shotgun sequencing was performed using an Illumina MiSeq System. The A5-miseq pipeline was employed for de novo genome assembly. Genome annotation was performed by the RAST server. The online automated tools BAGEL4 and antiSMASH v.5.0 were used for mining gene clusters encoding AMP production. The virulence potential of the strain was investigated employing online tools. Its inhibitory activity toward MDR staphylococcal isolates associated with human infections was tested by the deferred antagonism assay on brain–heart infusion agar medium. Results: The total scaffold size was determined to be 2 719 949 bp, with a G + C content of 32.7%. Genome analyses revealed 2504 protein-coding sequences and 74 RNA-coding sequences as well as several genes encoding drug resistance and a single AMP gene cluster coding for aureocin 4181. Staphylococcus aureus 4181 exhibited a pathogenic potential and inhibited all MDR staphylococcal isolates tested as a target. Conclusions: This study describes the main features of the draft genome of S. aureus 4181, a strain that produces the third four-component bacteriocin described in the literature, namely aureocin 4181. This bacteriocin is a potential alternative drug to control MDR staphylococcal isolates involved in human infections.