
Effect of Marriage on Pre-existing Psychoses: A Convenient or Futile Solution for Severe Mental Disorders?
Document Type
Journal of Psychosexual Health, Vol 2 (2020)
Mental healing
Marriage can be defined as the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law. The general population generally believes marriage to be a solution to mental illnesses. It can be agreed that mental disorders and marital issues have some relation. Parents of patients with psychoses expect that marriage is the solution to the illness and often approach doctors and seek validation about the success of the marriage of their mentally ill child, which is a guarantee no doctor can give in even normal circumstances. Evidence on sexual functioning in patients of psychosis is limited and needs further understanding. Studies show about 60%–70% women of the schizophrenia spectrum and illness to experience sexual difficulties. Based on available information, sexual dysfunction in population with psychosis can be attributed to a variety of psychosocial factors, ranging from the psychotic symptoms in itself to social stigma and institutionalization and also due to the antipsychotic treatment. Despite the decline in sexual activity and quality of life in general, it is very rarely addressed by both the treating doctor and by the patient themselves hence creating a lacuna in the patient’s care and availability of information regarding the illness’ pathophysiology. Patients become noncompliant with medications due to this undesirable effect and hence it requires to be given more attention during treatment. It was also found that paranoid type of schizophrenia patient had lower chances of separation than patients with other types of schizophrenia. The risk of relapse in cases with later age of onset of the disease, lower education, a positive family history of psychosis or a lower income increased more than other populations.