
Neutron-induced cross section measurements
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Massimi C.Aberle O.Alcayne V.Altieri S.Amaducci S.Andrzejewski J.Babiano-Suarez V.Bacak M.Balibrea J.Beltrami C.Bennett S.Bernardes A. P.Berthoumieux E.Boromiza M.Bosnar D.Caamaño M.Calviño F.Calviani M.Cano-Ott D.Casanovas A.Castelluccio D. M.Cerutti F.Cescutti G.Chasapoglou S.Chiaveri E.Colombetti P.Colonna N.Console Camprini P.Cortés G.Cortés-Giraldo M. A.Cosentino L.Cristallo S.Dellmann S.Di Castro M.Di Maria S.Diakaki M.Dietz M.Domingo-Pardo C.Dressler R.Dupont E.Durán I.Eleme Z.Fargier S.Fernández B.Fernández-Domínguez B.Finocchiaro P.Fiore S.Furman V.GarcíaInfantes F.Gawlik-Ramięga A.Gervino G.Gilardoni S.González-Romero E.Guerrero C.Gunsing F.Gustavino C.Heyse J.Hillman W.Jenkins D. G.Jericha E.Junghans A.Kadi Y.Kaperoni K.Kaur G.Kimura A.Knapová I.Kokkoris M.Kopatch Y.Krtička M.Kyritsis N.Ladarescu I.Lederer-Woods C.Lerendegui-Marco J.Lerner G.Manna A.Martínez T.Masi A.Mastinu P.Mastromarco M.Maugeri E. A.Mazzone A.Mendoza E.Mengoni A.Michalopoulou V.Milazzo P. M.Mucciola R.Murtas F.Musacchio-Gonzalez E.Musumarra A.Negret A.Pérez de Rada A.Pérez-Maroto P.Patronis N.Pavón-Rodríguez J. A.Pellegriti M. G.Perkowski J.Petrone C.Pirovano E.Plaza J.Pomp S.Porras I.Praena J.Quesada J. M.Reifarth R.Rochman D.Romanets Y.Rubbia C.Sánchez A.Sabaté-Gilarte M.Schillebeeckx P.Schumann D.Sekhar A.Smith A. G.Sosnin N. V.Stamati M. E.Sturniolo A.Tagliente G.Tarrío D.Torres-Sánchez P.Urlass S.Vagena E.Valenta S.Variale V.Vaz P.Vecchio G.Vescovi D.Vlachoudis V.Vlastou R.Wallner A.Woods P. J.Wright T.Zarrella R.Žugec P.
EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol 279, p 11009 (2023)
Neutron-induced cross sections represent the main nuclear input to models of stellar and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis. While (n,γ) reactions are relevant for the formation of elements heavier than iron, (n,p) and (n,α) reactions can play an important role in specific cases. The time-of-flight method is routinely used at n_TOF to experimentally determine the cross section data. In addition, recent upgrades of the facility will allow the use of activation techniques as well, possibly opening the way to a systematic study of neutron interaction with radioactive isotopes. In the last 20 years n_TOF has provided a large amount of experimental data for Nuclear Astrophysics. Our plan is to carry on challenging measurements and produce nuclear data in the next decades as well.