
Deep sub-threshold ϕ production in Au+Au collisions
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J. Adamczewski-MuschO. ArnoldC. BehnkeA. BelounnasA. BelyaevJ.C. Berger-ChenJ. BiernatA. BlancoC. BlumeM. BöhmerP. BordaloS. ChernenkoL. ChladC. DeveauxJ. DreyerA. DybczakE. EppleL. FabbiettiO. FateevP. FilipP. FonteC. FrancoJ. FrieseI. FröhlichT. GalatyukJ.A. GarzónR. GernhäuserM. GolubevaR. GreifenhagenF. GuberM. GumberidzeS. HarabaszT. HeinzT. HenninoS. HlavacC. HöhneR. HolzmannA. IerusalimovA. IvashkinB. KämpferT. KaravichevaB. KardanI. KoenigW. KoenigB.W. KolbG. KorcylG. KornakovR. KotteW. KühnA. KuglerT. KunzA. KurepinA. KurilkinP. KurilkinV. LadyginR. LalikK. LapidusA. LebedevL. LopesM. LorenzT. MahmoudL. MaierA. MangiarottiJ. MarkertS. MaurusV. MetagJ. MichelD.M. MihaylovS. MorozovC. MüntzR. MünzerL. NaumannK.N. NowakowskiM. PalkaY. ParpottasV. PechenovO. PechenovaO. PetukhovJ. PietraszkoW. PrzygodaS. RamosB. RamsteinA. ReshetinP. Rodriguez-RamosP. RosierA. RostA. SadovskyP. SalaburaT. ScheibH. SchuldesE. SchwabF. ScozziF. SeckP. SellheimJ. SiebensonL. SilvaYu.G. SobolevS. SpataroH. StröbeleJ. StrothP. StrzempekC. SturmO. SvobodaM. SzalaP. TlustyM. TraxlerH. TsertosE. UsenkoV. WagnerC. WendischM.G. WiebuschJ. WirthY. ZanevskyP. Zumbruch
Physics Letters B, Vol 778, Iss C, Pp 403-407 (2018)
We present data on charged kaons (K±) and ϕ mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K− and ϕ mesons in central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy of 10A GeV. The ϕ/K− multiplicity ratio is found to be surprisingly high with a value of 0.52±0.16 and shows no dependence on the centrality of the collision. Consequently, the different slopes of the K+ and K− transverse-mass spectra can be explained solely by feed-down, which substantially softens the spectra of K− mesons. Hence, in contrast to the commonly adapted argumentation in literature, the different slopes do not necessarily imply diverging freeze-out temperatures of K+ and K− mesons caused by different couplings to baryons.