
Peculiarities of regulation of various types of non-contractual obligations in the field of international private law
Document Type
Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія Право, Vol 1, Iss 82 (2024)
private international law
non-contractual obligations
collision bindings
tort/delict obligations
obligations arising out of unjust enrichment
The article reveals certain types of non-contractual obligations (NCO) in the field of private international law (PIL). The common features and differences between certain types of NCO in Ukraine and other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family through the usage of the comparative legal method are described. The article reveals such types of obligations in PIL as: tort/delict obligations; obligations arising out of unjust enrichment; obligations arising out of damage caused by a product, work, service; culpa in contrahendo; negotiorum gestio. The article substantiates that NCO arise, first of all, between persons who are not in a contractual relationship, or between persons who are bound by a contract, but the damage is not caused in connection with a violation of contractual obligations. The article reveals the main provisions of conflict regulation of NCO. The issue of refusal to use the general collision binding of the place of harm (lex loci delicti commissi) is being studied. Nowadays, instead of that collision binding, which was originally used for each type of non-contractual obligation, several alternative collision bindings are used. In addition to the law of the place where the tort was committed, the article also reveals the features of using such collision bindings as the citizenship of the parties or the place of residence of the parties of the legal relationship, the place of release of the goods, the place of registration of the vehicle, etc. The article highlights some aspects of the recent reform of civil legislation and PIL, in particular. The root cause of the reform and renewal of domestic legislation in various areas, which is caused by the European integration processes taking place in Ukraine in recent years, is revealed. The article substantiates the active recodification of civil legislation introduced by the Government of Ukraine, aimed at eliminating certain shortcomings and contradictions in national civil legislation and harmonizing it with the legislation of the European Union. The article places special emphasis on the need to update national legislation and bring it into line with European standards for democratization and liberalization of all spheres of life.