
Software with artificial intelligence-derived algorithms for analysing CT brain scans in people with a suspected acute stroke: a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis
Document Type
Health Technology Assessment, Vol 28, Iss 11 (2024)
artificial intelligence
ischemic stroke diagnosis
large vessel occlusion detection
machine learning
systematic review
cost-effectiveness analysis
Medical technology
Background Artificial intelligence-derived software technologies have been developed that are intended to facilitate the review of computed tomography brain scans in patients with suspected stroke. Objectives To evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of using artificial intelligence-derived software to support review of computed tomography brain scans in acute stroke in the National Health Service setting. Methods Twenty-five databases were searched to July 2021. The review process included measures to minimise error and bias. Results were summarised by research question, artificial intelligence-derived software technology and study type. The health economic analysis focused on the addition of artificial intelligence-derived software-assisted review of computed tomography angiography brain scans for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions for people with an ischaemic stroke. The de novo model (developed in R Shiny, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) consisted of a decision tree (short-term) and a state transition model (long-term) to calculate the mean expected costs and quality-adjusted life-years for people with ischaemic stroke and suspected large-vessel occlusion comparing artificial intelligence-derived software-assisted review to usual care. Results A total of 22 studies (30 publications) were included in the review; 18/22 studies concerned artificial intelligence-derived software for the interpretation of computed tomography angiography to detect large-vessel occlusion. No study evaluated an artificial intelligence-derived software technology used as specified in the inclusion criteria for this assessment. For artificial intelligence-derived software technology alone, sensitivity and specificity estimates for proximal anterior circulation large-vessel occlusion were 95.4% (95% confidence interval 92.7% to 97.1%) and 79.4% (95% confidence interval 75.8% to 82.6%) for Rapid (iSchemaView, Menlo Park, CA, USA) computed tomography angiography, 91.2% (95% confidence interval 77.0% to 97.0%) and 85.0 (95% confidence interval 64.0% to 94.8%) for Viz LVO (Viz.ai, Inc., San Fransisco, VA, USA) large-vessel occlusion, 83.8% (95% confidence interval 77.3% to 88.7%) and 95.7% (95% confidence interval 91.0% to 98.0%) for Brainomix (Brainomix Ltd, Oxford, UK) e-computed tomography angiography and 98.1% (95% confidence interval 94.5% to 99.3%) and 98.2% (95% confidence interval 95.5% to 99.3%) for Avicenna CINA (Avicenna AI, La Ciotat, France) large-vessel occlusion, based on one study each. These studies were not considered appropriate to inform cost-effectiveness modelling but formed the basis by which the accuracy of artificial intelligence plus human reader could be elicited by expert opinion. Probabilistic analyses based on the expert elicitation to inform the sensitivity of the diagnostic pathway indicated that the addition of artificial intelligence to detect large-vessel occlusion is potentially more effective (quality-adjusted life-year gain of 0.003), more costly (increased costs of £8.61) and cost-effective for willingness-to-pay thresholds of £3380 per quality-adjusted life-year and higher. Limitations and conclusions The available evidence is not suitable to determine the clinical effectiveness of using artificial intelligence-derived software to support the review of computed tomography brain scans in acute stroke. The economic analyses did not provide evidence to prefer the artificial intelligence-derived software strategy over current clinical practice. However, results indicated that if the addition of artificial intelligence-derived software-assisted review for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions increased the sensitivity of the diagnostic pathway (i.e. reduced the proportion of undetected large-vessel occlusions), this may be considered cost-effective. Future work Large, preferably multicentre, studies are needed (for all artificial intelligence-derived software technologies) that evaluate these technologies as they would be implemented in clinical practice. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42021269609. Funding This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Synthesis programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR133836) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 11. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information. Plain language summary Stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition caused by a blood clot or haemorrhage in the brain. Quick and effective management, including a brain scan, of the patients with suspected stroke can make a big difference in their outcome. Artificial intelligence-derived computer programmes exist that are intended to help with the interpretation of computed tomography scans of the brain in stroke. We undertook a thorough review of the existing research into the effectiveness and value for money of using these programmes to help doctors and other specialists to interpret computed tomography brain scans. We found very little evidence to tell us how well artificial intelligence-derived computer programmes work in practice. Some studies have looked at artificial intelligence-derived computer programmes on their own (i.e. not taken together with a doctor’s judgement, as they were designed to be used). Other studies have looked at what happens to patients who are treated for stroke when artificial intelligence-derived computer programmes are used; these studies provide no information about whether using artificial intelligence-derived computer programmes may have led to patients who could have benefitted from treatment being missed. It is unclear how well artificial intelligence-derived software-assisted review works when added to current clinical practice. Scientific summary Background The primary population for this assessment was people presenting or attending secondary care with a suspected acute stroke who were last known to be well within the previous 24 hours. Stroke is a serious life-threatening medical condition defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a clinical syndrome consisting of ‘rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (at times global) disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin’. Timely and effective management of the patients with suspected stroke substantially impacts patients’ outcomes. A number of software products with artificial intelligence (AI)-derived software technologies have been developed, which are intended to facilitate the review of computed tomography (CT) images of the brain in patients with suspected stroke. These products are not intended to provide a diagnosis but to support review and reporting healthcare professionals. Objectives This assessment aimed to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of using AI-derived software to support the review of CT brain scans in acute stroke, in the NHSs setting. Three research questions were considered. (1) Does AI-derived software-assisted review of non-enhanced CT brain scans for guiding thrombolysis treatment decisions for people with suspected acute stroke represent a clinically and cost-effective use of NHS resources? (2a) Does AI-derived software-assisted review of CT angiography (CTA) brain scans for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions for people with an ischaemic stroke represent a clinically and cost-effective use of NHS resources? (2b) Does AI-derived software-assisted review of CT perfusion brain scans for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions for people with an ischaemic stroke after a CTA brain scan represent a clinically and cost-effective use of NHS resources? Methods Assessment of clinical effectiveness Twenty-five databases, including MEDLINE and Embase, research registers, conference proceedings and a preprint resource, were searched for relevant studies from inception to July 2021; update searches were conducted in October 2021. Search results were screened for relevance independently by two reviewers. Full-text inclusion assessment, data extraction and quality assessment were conducted by one reviewer and checked by a second. The methodological quality of included diagnostic test accuracy studies was assessed using QUADAS-2 (Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK). The methodological quality of observational ‘before and after’ studies was assessed using a checklist, devised by the authors, for this review. The hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic (HSROC) model was used to estimate summary sensitivity and specificity with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and prediction regions around the summary points, and to derive HSROC curves for meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy, where four or more studies evaluated the same intervention for a given research question. All other results, including those of ‘before and after’ studies, were summarised in a narrative synthesis, grouped by research question addressed, AI-derived software evaluated and study type. Assessment of cost-effectiveness The health economic analysis focused on research question 2a: (2a) Does AI-derived software-assisted review of CT angiography brain scans for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions for people with an ischaemic stroke represent a clinically and cost-effective use of NHS resources? All diagnostic accuracy studies identified by the systematic review conducted for this assessment assessed the accuracy of AI-derived software technologies as stand-alone interventions. As a result, information about how AI-derived software technologies would perform when used as an adjunct/aid to human readers (i.e. as recommended by the manufacturers, as specified for this assessment and as they would be used in clinical practice) is lacking. This is because the accuracy of the device by itself tells us nothing about how, or indeed whether, it might improve the accuracy of a human reader. It would not make sense to infer that any of the variation in sensitivity observed between stand-alone AIs can tell us something about precisely the variation in a hypothetical, small improvement in sensitivity of the human reader. To perform cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), we elicited expert opinion to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of AI as adjunct to human reader. Experts were provided with the evidence on AI alone and human reader alone. Because it was considered too difficult for experts to differentiate between different AI-derived software-assisted review technologies, AI-derived software-assisted review in general (not specified by manufacturer or specific technology) is considered. The de novo model (developed in R Shiny, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) consisted of a decision tree (short-term) and a state transition model (long-term) to calculate the mean expected costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) for people with ischaemic stroke and suspected large-vessel occlusion (LVO). The decision tree was used to estimate short-term costs and consequences (first 90 days). Subsequently, patients with LVO were classified as either eligible for thrombectomy or not eligible. Those with both LVO and eligibility for thrombectomy were further classified, based on the sensitivity of the diagnostic strategy, into whether a LVO was detected (and thus thrombectomy received) or not. Based on the classification in the decision tree, patients were subdivided into health states according to the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Notably, patients without LVO were subdivided based on the specificity of the diagnostic strategy into whether a LVO was incorrectly detected or not. If a LVO was incorrectly detected (i.e. false positive), this had cost consequences only (e.g. due to potential unnecessary transfer to experienced stroke centre qualified to perform thrombectomy). The long-term consequences in terms of costs and QALYs were estimated using a state transition cohort model with a lifetime time horizon (annual cycle length) and health states defined as per mRS states. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses, deterministic sensitivity analyses and scenario analyses were performed. Results Assessment of clinical effectiveness A total of 22 studies (30 publications) were included in the review; for 9 of the 13 manufacturers of AI-derived software included in the scope, no studies were identified. All included studies concerned AI-derived software produced by Avicenna, Brainomix, iSchemaView or Viz. The majority (18/22 studies) reported data concerning research question 2a (i.e. evaluated AI-derived software for the interpretation of CTA). All included studies either assessed the diagnostic accuracy of AI-derived software alone (i.e. not as it would be used in clinical practice, as recommended by the manufacturers and as specified in the inclusion criteria for this assessment) or were ‘before and after’ observational studies reporting information about the effects of implementing AI-derived software in treated patients. Eleven studies provided information about the accuracy of various AI-derived software technologies for the detection of LVO on CTA scans in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Where the target condition included occlusions of internal carotid artery, carotid terminus or the M1 or M2 segments of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), the sensitivity and specificity estimates were 95.4% (95% CI 92.7% to 97.1%) and 79.4% (95% CI 75.8% to 82.6%) for Rapid CTA (iSchemaView, Menlo Park, CA, USA), 91.2% (95% CI 77.0% to 97.0%) and 85.0 (95% CI 64.0% to 94.8%) for Viz LVO, 83.8% (95% CI 77.3% to 88.7%) and 95.7% (95% CI 91.0% to 98.0%) for Brainomix e-CTA, and 98.1% (95% CI 94.5% to 99.3%) and 98.2% (95% CI 95.5% to 99.3%) for Avicenna CINA LVO, based on one study each. There was some evidence to indicate that, where studies included more distal (e.g. M3 segment of the MCA) elements of the anterior circulation or included posterior circulation in their definition of the target condition, sensitivity was reduced. All four studies that provided information about the effects of implementing Viz LVO and one study that provided information about the effects of implementing Rapid CTA reported that implementation was associated with reductions in time to treatment for thrombectomy patients and, where reported, with no significant change in clinical outcomes (mRS). However, it should be noted that two of the studies of Viz LVO and the study of Rapid CTA evaluated implementation in the context of providing an automated alert system (i.e. not as specified in the scope for this assessment); it is plausible that reductions in time to intervention, observed in these studies, may be driven by this ‘early alert’ step. The information provided by studies of this type is also limited in that it concerns only treated (i.e. test positive) patients; no information is provided about test negative patients and hence there is no information about the extent to which AI-derived software, as implemented, may miss patients with LVO. There is no evidence about the accuracy of AI-derived software when used as an aid to human interpretation; all evidence concerns only stand-alone AI. This might imply that a CEA is not feasible for any of the three research questions. However, we conducted a CEA in relation to the research question 2a, where there is most evidence about the performance of AI-derived software technologies alone and one study comparing an AI-derived software technology alone with human reader alone. These studies were not considered appropriate to inform cost-effectiveness modelling but formed the basis by which the accuracy of AI plus human reader could be elicited by expert opinion. Assessment of cost-effectiveness Base-case analysis The probabilistic results indicated that the addition of AI to detect LVO is potentially more effective (QALY gain of 0.003), more costly (increased costs of £8.61) and cost-effective for willingness-to-pay thresholds of £3380 per QALY and higher. The cost-effectiveness plane illustrated the negative correlation between incremental costs and incremental QALYs; that is if a technology is more effective it also tends to be less costly. The cost-effectiveness acceptability curve indicated that at willingness-to-pay values of £20,000 and £30,000 per QALY gained the probabilities of current practice with AI being cost-effective are 54% and 56%, respectively. The expected risks per patient associated with adding AI at willingness-to-pay values of £20,000 and £30,000 per QALY gained are £80 and £95, respectively (these were £122 and £163 respectively without adding AI; see expected loss curves). At a population level (assuming 87,635 patients imaged, per year, in the UK), the estimated annual risks associated with adding AI are £7.0 million and £8.4 million, at willingness-to-pay values of £20,000 and £30,000 per QALY gained, respectively. Secondary analysis sensitivity and scenario analyses Sensitivity analyses indicated that the sensitivity of both technologies (i.e. with and without the addition of AI-derived software-assisted review) was the most important input parameter. In addition, the proportion of patients with LVO that are eligible for mechanical thrombectomy is important to determine the most optimal strategy in terms of costs and QALYs. For the estimated costs (specificity), the additional costs of the AI technology, costs related to mRS 4 and mRS 5 were input parameters (in addition to those mentioned above), which can change the strategy that is most expensive. Consistently, the most influential scenario analyses were related to the sensitivity (for both strategies), the proportion of patients with LVO eligible for mechanical thrombectomy with AI, removing the general population mortality cap and the additional costs of the AI technology. Conclusions The available evidence is not suitable to determine the clinical effectiveness of using AI-derived software to support the review of CT brain scans in acute stroke. The economic analyses did not provide evidence to prefer the AI-derived software strategy over current clinical practice. However, results indicated that if the addition of AI-derived software-assisted review for guiding mechanical thrombectomy treatment decisions increased the sensitivity of the diagnostic pathway (i.e. reduced the proportion of undetected LVOs) this may be considered cost-effective. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of AI-derived software-assisted review when added to current clinical practice is largely uncertain and probably depends on the implementation of AI-derived software-assisted review. Study registration This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42021269609. Funding This award was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Evidence Synthesis programme (NIHR award ref: NIHR133836) and is published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 28, No. 11. See the NIHR Funding and Awards website for further award information.