
Mini-texts of English web-literature in the context of contemporary digital discourse: system-dynamic approach
Document Type
Вестник Самарского университета: История, педагогика, филология, Vol 27, Iss 4, Pp 168-175 (2021)
mini-text, web literature, micro genres, synergetic effect, functional attractor, semantic combinations, emergent properties.
History (General)
Language and Literature
The article is devoted to the study of modern mini-format literary works of English web literature. This subject is addressed due to the fact that there exists an urgent need to study ways of ensuring effective communication in the light of modern tendencies of verbal optimization of the cognitive processes and the reduction of the physical length of the texts. Mini-texts of web literature are considered from the standpoint of the system-dynamic approach, namely from the point of view of the dynamics of the formation of a complex semantic construct in the process of interaction and mutual influence of different-level elements of the discourse system, including the factors of the exterior environment. The methods of discourse, contextual and linguosynergetic analysis are employed for the analysis of the texts, which allows to understand how systemic interaction of speech elements within a small-format text is organized. In particular, the article describes the mechanisms of the emergence of additional semantic combinations due to the interdiscursive interaction at the level of form and content within the mini-format web narratives. Another mechanism of creating additional semantic structures consists in the violation of the proportionality between the structural and semantic plans of the mini-texts. Besides, attention is paid to ways of expanding the semantic plan of the discourse system due to the specific interaction of lexical operators that form the verbal layers of the text. In general, it is concluded that the synergetic interaction of different-level textual elements is of fundamental importance for ensuring pragmatic effectiveness of small-format web narratives, since on its basis an integral semantic system is formed which does not only influence the cognitive sphere of the recipients, but also is capable of fulfilling their aesthetic needs.