
Sleep disordered breathing in Marfan syndrome: Value of standard screening questionnaires
Document Type
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, Vol 8, Iss 1, Pp n/a-n/a (2020)
connective tissue disorder
screening accuracy
Abstract Background A high prevalence of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) has been reported in persons with Marfan syndrome (MFS), a single gene disorder of connective tissue resulting in premature death from aortic rupture. The burden of SDB and accompanying hemodynamic stress could warrant broad screening in this population. Our goal was to assess the utility of traditional SDB screening tools in our sample of persons with MFS. Methods Participants were recruited during an annual Marfan Foundation meeting and Marfan status confirmed using the Ghent criteria. Screening questionnaires were administered and SDB assessed by home sleep testing. We assessed accuracy of screening tools using receiver‐operating characteristic curve analyses. Results The prevalence of moderate‐severe SDB was 32% in our sample of 31 MFS participants. The Stop‐Bang questionnaire had the highest positive predictive value (PPV) of 60% and the highest negative predictive value (NPV) of 100% using the high‐ and moderate‐risk cut‐offs, respectively, and the Berlin questionnaire had a PPV of 50% and an NPV of 92.3% at the high‐risk cut‐off. When those with mild SDB were included, the Stop‐Bang and the Sleep Apnea Clinical Score (SACS) questionnaires demonstrated useful screening accuracies with PPVs of 94.7% and 92.9%, and NPVs of 63.6% and 47.1%, respectively, at the moderate‐risk cut‐offs. Conclusion A survey of SDB in a sample of persons with MFS reveals not only a high burden of SDB but also that conventional screening instruments have utility if adapted appropriately. Future studies should validate the utility of these screening tools given concerns that SDB may contribute to progression of aortic pathology in MFS.