
Hint for a TeV neutrino emission from the Galactic Ridge with ANTARES
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A. AlbertS. AlvesM. AndréM. ArdidS. ArdidJ.-J. AubertJ. AublinB. BaretS. BasaY. BecheriniB. BelhormaM. BendahmanF. BenfenatiV. BertinS. BiagiM. BissingerJ. BoumaazaM. BoutaM.C. BouwhuisH. BrânzaşR. BruijnJ. BrunnerJ. BustoB. CaiffiD. CalvoS. CampionA. CaponeL. CarameteF. CareniniJ. CarrV. CarreteroS. CelliL. CerisyM. ChababT.N. ChauR. Cherkaoui El MoursliT. ChiarusiM. CircellaJ.A.B. CoelhoA. ColeiroR. ConiglioneP. CoyleA. CreusotA.F. DíazB. De MartinoC. DistefanoI. Di PalmaA. DomiC. DonzaudD. DornicD. DrouhinT. EberlT. van EedenD. van EijkS. El HedriN. El KhayatiA. EnzenhöferM. FasanoP. FermaniG. FerraraF. FilippiniL. FuscoS. GagliardiniJ. GarcíaC. Gatius OliverP. GayN. GeißelbrechtH. GlotinR. GozziniR. Gracia RuizK. GrafC. GuidiL. HaegelS. HallmannH. van HarenA.J. HeijboerY. HelloJ.J. Hernández-ReyJ. HößlJ. HofestädtF. HuangG. IlluminatiC.W. JamesB. Jisse-JungM. de JongP. de JongM. KadlerO. KalekinU. KatzA. KouchnerI. KreykenbohmV. KulikovskiyR. LahmannM. LamoureuxA. LazoD. LefèvreE. LeonoraG. LeviS. Le StumD. Lopez-CotoS. LoucatosL. MadererJ. ManczakM. MarcelinA. MargiottaA. MarinelliJ.A. Martínez-MoraP. MigliozziA. MoussaR. MullerL. NautaS. NavasA. NeronovE. NezriB. Ó FearraighA. PăunG.E. PăvălaşM. Perrin-TerrinV. PestelP. PiattelliC. PoirèV. PopaT. PradierN. RandazzoD. RealS. ReckG. RiccobeneA. RomanovA. Sánchez-LosaA. SainaF. Salesa GreusD.F.E. SamtlebenM. SanguinetiP. SapienzaD. SavchenkoJ. SchnabelJ. SchumannF. SchüsslerJ. SenecaM. SpurioTh. StolarczykM. TaiutiY. TayalatiS.J. TingayB. VallageG. VannoyeV. Van ElewyckS. ViolaD. VivoloJ. WilmsS. ZavatarelliA. ZegarelliJ.D. ZornozaJ. Zúñiga
Physics Letters B, Vol 841, Iss , Pp 137951- (2023)
Neutrino telescope
Galactic Centre
Cosmic ray
Pion-decay model
Interactions of cosmic ray protons, atomic nuclei, and electrons in the interstellar medium in the inner part of the Milky Way produce a γ-ray flux from the Galactic Ridge. If the γ-ray emission is dominated by proton and nuclei interactions, a neutrino flux comparable to the γ-ray flux is expected from the same sky region.Data collected by the ANTARES neutrino telescope are used to constrain the neutrino flux from the Galactic Ridge in the 1-100 TeV energy range. Neutrino events reconstructed both as tracks and showers are considered in the analysis and the selection is optimized for the search of an excess in the region |l|