
Identitas Historis Orang Loloda di Pesisir Halmahera Hingga Pasca Era Reformasi Indonesia 1999-2010
Document Type
Buletin Al-Turas, Vol 22, Iss 2, Pp 231-245 (2016)
loloda, representation, identity, historical, maluku.
History (General) and history of Europe
Language and Literature
Abstrak Tujuan dari paper ini adalah untuk menjelaskan perjuangan orang-orang Loloda dalam mencari kembali identitas dirinya di Halmahera Maluku Utara, di mana sejarah menjadi landasan berpikir dan bertindak dalam mencapai tujuannya bahkan sampai sekarang. Perjuangan orang Loloda itu mulai semakin gencar seiring dengan berlakunya undang-undang otonomi daerah nomor 22 tahun 1999 sampai hari ini. Semarak diberitakan bahwa tokoh-tokoh adat masyarakat Loloda menuntut kabupaten tersendiri lepas dari Kabupaten Halmahera Utara (Loloda Utara) dan Barat (Loloda Selatan) dengan nama ”Kabupaten Loloda Pasifik”. Isu lain yang berkembang ialah bahwa sampai saat ini masyarakat Loloda belum menikmati kekayaan sumber daya alamnya sendiri yang melimpah dan diabaikan. Mereka mulai kembali mencari identitas diri lewat sejarahnya yang hingga kini masih dianggap kabur dan sarat diskriminasi. Sikap disintegrasi pun mulai muncul dari yang sebelumnya berskala kabupaten menjadi berskala propinsi. Mereka ingin melepaskan diri, keluar dari Propinsi Maluku Utara dan menyatakan diri siap bergabung dengan Propinsi Sulawesi Utara apabila aspirasinya tidak terpenuhi. Pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana hubungan antara sejarah daerah ini dengan munculnya tuntutan perubahan status Loloda dari kecamatan ke kabupaten baru yang diharapkan. --- Abstract The purpose of this paper is to describe the struggle of Loloda people to find their true identity in Halmahera, North Maluku, where the history of the foundation of thingking and acting in achieving its goals even now. The struggle of people Loloda formulate his identity began to become more frequent, they are accompanied by a search history in the area of the sea and the Maluku Island. In addition since, num. 22th 1999 along with the beginnings of the issue of autonomy in Indonesia until now, lively reported that traditional leaders of society Loloda sue the district of its own apart from the district North Halmahera (North Loloda) and west (South Loloda) with the name “District of Loloda Pasific”. Another growing issue is that until now, people Loloda not enjoy the wealth of its own natural resources are abundant and ignored. They started back in search for identity through history which is still considered to be vague and full of discrimination. Attitude began to emerge from the disintegration of the previously district-wide scale to the provinces, where they want to break away, out of North Maluku province and declared themselves ready to join the North Sulawesi province. The question which then must be answered is, what is the relationship between the local history of this region with the aspiration of the Loloda people to form a new district even want to join with other provinces.