
Two-particle correlations in azimuthal angle and pseudorapidity in central $$^7\hbox {Be}+{}^9\hbox {Be}$$ 7 Be + 9 Be collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
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A. AduszkiewiczE. V. AndronovT. AntićićV. BabkinM. BaszczykS. BhosaleA. BlondelM. BogomilovA. BrandinA. BravarW. BrylińskiJ. BrzychczykM. BuryakovO. BusyginaA. BzdakH. CherifM. ĆirkovićM. CsanadJ. CybowskaT. CzopowiczA. DamyanovaN. DavisM. DeliyergiyevM. DeveauxA. DmitrievW. DominikP. DoroszJ. DumarchezR. EngelG. A. FeofilovL. FieldsZ. FodorA. GaribovM. GaździckiO. GolosovV. GolovatyukM. GolubevaK. GrebieszkowF. GuberA. HaeslerS. N. IgolkinS. IlievaA. IvashkinS. R. JohnsonK. KadijaN. KarginE. KashirinM. KiełbowiczV. A. KireyeuV. KlochkovV. I. KolesnikovD. KolevA. KorzenevV. N. KovalenkoS. KowalskiM. KozielA. KrasnoperovW. KucewiczM. KuichA. KurepinD. LarsenA. LászlóT. V. LazarevaM. LewickiK. ŁojekV. V. LyubushkinM. Maćkowiak-PawłowskaZ. MajkaB. MaksiakA. I. MalakhovA. MarcinekA. D. MarinoK. MartonH.-J. MathesT. MatulewiczV. MatveevG. L. MelkumovA. O. MerzlayaB. MesserlyŁ. MikS. MorozovS. MrówczyńskiY. NagaiM. NaskrętV. OzvenchukV. PaoloneO. PetukhovR. PłanetaP. PodlaskiB. A. PopovB. PorfyM. Posiadała-ZezulaD. S. ProkhorovaD. PszczelS. PuławskiJ. PuzovićM. RavonelR. RenfordtD. RöhrichE. RondioM. RothB. T. RumbergerM. RumyantsevA. RustamovM. RybczynskiA. RybickiA. SadovskyK. SchmidtI. SelyuzhenkovA. Yu. SeryakovP. SeybothM. SłodkowskiP. StaszelG. StefanekJ. StepaniakM. StrikhanovH. StröbeleT. ŠušaA. TaranenkoA. TefelskaD. TefelskiV. TereshchenkoA. ToiaR. TsenovL. TurkoR. UlrichM. UngerD. UzhvaF. F. ValievD. VeberičV. V. VecherninA. WickremasingheZ. WłodarczykK. WojcikO. WyszyńskiE. D. ZimmermanR. ZwaskaNA61/SHINE Collaboration
European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, Vol 80, Iss 12, Pp 1-20 (2020)
Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity
Abstract A measurement of charged hadron pair correlations in two-dimensional $$\Delta \eta \Delta \phi $$ Δ η Δ ϕ space is presented. The analysis is based on total 30 million central Be + Be collisions observed in the NA61/SHINE detector at the CERN SPS for incident beam momenta of 19A, 30A, 40A, 75A, and 150A $$\text {Ge} \text {V}/c$$ Ge / c . Measurements were carried out for unlike-sign and like-sign charge hadron pairs independently. The $$C(\Delta \eta ,\Delta \phi )$$ C ( Δ η , Δ ϕ ) correlation functions were compared with results from a similar analysis on p + p interactions at similar beam momenta per nucleon. General trends of the back-to-back correlations are similar in central Be + Be collisions and p + p interactions, but are suppressed in magnitude due to the increased combinatorial background. Predictions from the Epos and UrQMD models are compared to the measurements. Evolution of an enhancement around $$(\Delta \eta ,\Delta \phi ) = (0,0)$$ ( Δ η , Δ ϕ ) = ( 0 , 0 ) with incident energy is observed in central Be + Be collisions. It is not predicted by both models and almost non-existing in proton–proton collisions at the same momentum per nucleon.