
Verlust und Trauer unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie – Was empfinden trauernde Angehörige/Zugehörige in Bezug auf ihren Bedarf an seelsorglicher bzw. psychologischer Unterstützung?
Document Type
Spiritual Care. 11(1):2-9
Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, contact restrictions were imposed, that also affected saying goodbye to dying family members. How do relatives deal with their grief under these conditions, how do they feel supported by the treatment/care team in the hospital, nursing home or hospice and is there a need for personal pastoral or psychological support?
Methods: To answer these questions a mixed-method design study was started, from which cross-sectional data from 85 participants are reported.
Results: Good emotional care/support from the treatment/care team was described by 37 % of those whose relatives did not die at home; 38 % disagreed and 26 % were indifferent to this. In the conversations, pastoral or religious questions were only addressed in a few cases and there were only a few hints to pastoral care/bereavement support (16 %). However, 68 % had a desire for pastoral support and 55 % for psychological support. Almost all of those with high levels of grief (SAVE scores) had the desire for pastoral support.
Conclusions: These first results show a pronounced need for pastoral care and support in the mourning process, especially under the additionally burdening conditions of the corona pandemic. They also point out the lack of available pastoral care workers, psychological support and low-threshold references by the caring staff of the facilities in the sense of Spiritual Care.