
6 Die Konstantinopler Synoden von 638/9 (?) und die Ekthesis des Kaisers Herakleios (610-641)
Document Type
Kirche in der Krise: Zum Streit um die Christologie im 7. Jahrhundert. 146:169-198
This article analyses the fragments of two synods of Constantinople under the patriarchs Sergios I (610-638) and Pyrrhos (638-641.654), which advanced the reception by the church of the Ekthesis of the emperor Herakleios (610-641) and are preserved in the Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649. Together with the Synod of Cyprus (636), which was later consigned to silence in dyothelete sources, these make clear that this imperial edict was drawn up at the request of the church. The Ekthesis was the result of a synod with almost ecumenical representation and included in a subsequent synod. It was for this reason also accepted - during a vacancy in the see of Antioch - by the churches of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria and Jerusalem, and thereby also by Patriarch Sophronios. From 641 the preparations for the Lateran Synod led to a concealing and falsification of these events. To this belongs also the postdating of the Ekthesis to 638, which is now to be dated to 636/7.

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