
Zur Geschichte der Kolloquiumsreihe zur Lexikographie und Wörterbuchforschung in Südost- und Osteuropa (2000-2018). Begründet von H. E. Wiegand und P. Petkov
Document Type
Korpora in der Lexikographie und Phraseologie: Stand und Perspektiven. 160:225-240
The colloquia on lexicography and dictionary research represent a series of biennial international events that have been held at various universities in Southeast and Eastern Europe since 2000 and are primarily organized by the German studies institutes. The article reports on the beginning and the development of the events, presents the subject matter dealt with on theory, practice and research into lexicography and draws attention to the problems discussed. The developmental tendencies that have characterized (Germanistic) lexicography and dictionary research in the last 20 years and at the same time deficits and the associated demands on lexicographical theory and practice can be traced from the content of held colloquia.

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