
24 Applicative constructions in Cushitic
Document Type
Applicative Constructions in the World’s Languages. 7:835-868
This chapter provides an overview of the morphology, syntax, and semantics of applicative constructions and applicative lookalikes in the five branches of Cushitic languages for which enough data show that such constructions exist: Central Cushitic, Northern Cushitic, and three groups within Eastern Cushitic (the Iraqw-Alagwa-Burunge cluster, Omo-Tana and Oromo). These constructions have hitherto been largely underestimated, or analysed differently. In general, applicative lookalikes predominate, and even though there is a good number of commonalities among the languages, each of them has developed its own system. The two main strategies used are preverbal constructions and periphrastic constructions, while morphological derivation is rather marginal. The most frequent semantic roles of applied phrases are beneficiary, instrument, and location (ventive, ablative); the roles of maleficiary and cause are marginal.

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