
14 Applicativizing preverbs in selected European languages
Document Type
Applicative Constructions in the World’s Languages. 7:419-472
This chapter surveys the morphology, syntax, and semantics of applicativizing preverbs in English, German, Hungarian, and the Slavic and Baltic languages, with some comments on their non-applicativizing uses. Applicativizing preverbs may be particles or affixes, are transparently related to adverbs/adpositions with spatial and/ or aspectual functions, and introduce a new participant to the clause (usually a direct object, occasionally an oblique argument, rarely an indirect object). The chapter pays special attention to English out-verbs and German be-verbs, which have semantics of a kind hitherto unattested outside Germanic; it also gives a detailed overview of the semantics of the relatively numerous Slavic and Baltic preverbs.

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