
The Herodotean Myth on the Origin of the Scythians
Document Type
Myth and History: Close Encounters. 14:167-186
Herodotus used to insert many mythical narrations in his work, some of which are especially attractive since they are taken from non-Greek sources. Therefore, the author acts as both a Greek historian and a mythographer, but also as a comparatist interested in eclectic mythical tradition. The boundaries between history and mythography are here blurred and simultaneously encased within a second frame, established by the intrication of Greek and non- Greek culture. This chapter deals with the most extensive foundation myth of the Scythians. We will show how the author elaborates mythical motives already known to the Greek literary culture, and how he tries to present an accurate report of the theme. All the information will be checked by means of data of different kinds, including archaeological sources. The result of this comparison will provide a tenable evaluation of the historical techniques displayed by Herodotus.

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