
20 Artificial Intelligence and Text and Data Mining: Future Rules for Libraries?
Document Type
Navigating Copyright for Libraries: Purpose and Scope. 181:497-540
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a general method but an umbrella that includes many digital tools that are changing the library environment. Chatbots, document classification, personalized services, text and data mining (TDM), intelligent education, and user discovery are some of the AI tools that offer new and broad possibilities for research, access, and use of vast amounts of data. But there is growing attention and discussion on how global and domestic copyright law should allow or impede access to the use of data. This chapter examines current AI trends for libraries, focuses on TDM, and presents relevant regional and domestic copyright legislative developments on the subject. The analysis indicates that norms passed to regulate TDM vary in content and objectives from country to country, yielding an ill-suited environment for libraries to work as a channel for international research based on AI tools. It concludes with a dialog centered on the evolving relationship between knowledge, AI, TDM, and the cre­ation of new limitations and exceptions (L&Es) for copyright law. This chapter informs the reader of impacts of recent AI, TDM, and copyright developments on libraries and highlights policy developments that could bring a more uniform international legislative body of law in which libraries could operate and support researchers.

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