
当归补血汤辅助治疗慢性肾功能衰竭患者的临床疗效及对肾功能与氧化应激水平的影响 / Effect of Danggui Buxue Decoction as an Adjuvant Treatment for Chronic Renal Failure on Renal Function and Oxidative Stress Levels
Document Type
Academic Journal
世界中西医结合杂志 / World Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine. 18(12):2473-2477
Chronic Renal Disease
Chronic Renal Failure
Danggui Buxue Decoction
Renal Func-tion
Oxidative Stress
目的 观察当归补血汤辅助治疗慢性肾功能衰竭患者的临床疗效及对其肾功能和氧化应激水平的影响.方法 选取2019年12月-2021年12月期间就诊于海安市中医院的100例慢性肾功能衰竭血液透析患者,采取随机抽签法分为对照组和观察组,每组各50例.对照组采取血液透析疗法,观察组在血液透析基础上加服当归补血汤.连续服用3个月后,观察比较两组患者临床疗效、并发症及不良反应发生率,前后中医证候积分(倦怠乏力、气短懒言、食少纳呆、腰酸膝软、脘腹胀满、大便不实、口淡不渴),肾功能相关指标[肌酐(Serum Creati-nine,Scr)、内生肌酐清除率(Creatinine Clearance,Ccr)、尿酸(Uric Acid,UA)],血清氧化应激相关指标[活性氧(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)、丙二醇(Methylene Dianiline,MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)].结果 治疗后观察组总有效率92.00%(46/50)明显高于对照组74.00%(37/50),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后两组患者倦怠乏力、气短懒言、食少纳呆、腰酸膝软、脘腹胀满、大便不实、口淡不渴积分较治疗前明显降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且观察组明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后两组患者肾功能相关指标Scr、UA水平较治疗前明显降低,Ccr水平较治疗前明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且观察组Scr、UA水平明显低于对照组,Ccr水平明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).治疗后观察组患者血清氧化应激相关指标ROS、MDA较治疗前明显降低,SOD较治疗前明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);且观察组ROS、MDA明显低于对照组,SOD明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组患者并发症及不良反应发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(x2=0.000,P=1.000).结论 当归补血汤对慢性肾功能衰竭血液透析患者的疗效显著,可改善中医证候及肾功能相关指标,降低氧化应激水平,并未增加并发症及不良反应发生率.
Objective To observe the effect of Danggui Buxue Decoction as an adjunctive treatment for chronic renal failure on renal function and oxidative stress levels.Methods A total of 100 chronic renal failure patients undergo-ing hemodialysis at Hai'an Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from December 2019 to December 2021 were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group by random drawing,with 50 patients in each group.The control group received hemodialysis treatment,while the observation group received Danggui Buxue Decoction in addition to hemodialy-sis.After three months of continuous treatment,clinical efficacy,incidence of complications and adverse reactions,tradition-al Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome scores(fatigue and weakness,shortness of breath and laziness to speak,reduced ap-petite,sore lower back and weak knees,abdominal distension and fullness,loose stools,bland taste in mouth,and no thirst),renal function-related indicators[serum creatinine(Scr),creatinine clearance rate(Ccr),and uric acid(UA)],and serum oxidative stress-related indicators[reactive oxygen species(ROS),malondialdehyde(MDA),and superoxide dismutase(SOD)]before and after treatment were compared between the two groups.Results The total effective rate in the observation group after treatment was 92.00%(46/50),significantly higher than 74.00%(37/50)in the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the syndrome scores for fatigue and weakness,shortness of breath and laziness to speak,re-duced appetite,sore lower back and weak knees,abdominal distension and fullness,loose stools,bland taste in mouth,and no thirst were significantly reduced in both groups compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the scores in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,renal function-re-lated indicators Scr and UA levels decreased significantly,while Ccr levels increased significantly in both groups compared with those before treatment(P<0.05).Furthermore,Scr and UA levels in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group,while Ccr levels were significantly higher(P<0.05).After treatment,serum oxidative stress-related indicators ROS and MDA significantly decreased and SOD increased in the observation group compared with those before treatment(P<0.05).Additionally,ROS and MDA levels in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group,and SOD levels were significantly higher(P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in ROS,MDA,and SOD levels in the control group before and after treatment(P>0.05).The comparison of the incidence of complications and adverse reactions between the two groups showed no statistically significant differences(x2=0.000,P=1.000).Conclusion Danggui Buxue Decoction has a significant therapeutic effect on chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis,which can improve TCM syndrome scores and renal function-related indicators,and re-duce oxidative stress levels,without increasing the incidence of complications and adverse reactions.