
中国省域农田生态系统碳足迹时空演变分析 / Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Carbon Footprint of Farmland Ecosystems in China
Document Type
Academic Journal
生态经济 / Ecological Economy. 40(1):88-94
farmland ecosystem
carbon absorption
carbon emission
carbon footprint
temporal and spatial evolution
以2001-2020年中国31个省域主要农田投入、产出及耕地面积等有关统计资料为基础,对中国农田生态系统的碳吸收、碳排放和碳足迹进行核算,并分析其时序和空间格局演变特点.结果表明:(1)从时间上看,农田生态系统碳吸收总量呈波动上升态势,其中农作物碳吸收能力最强的是玉米;农田生态系统碳排放总体呈上升趋势,增长幅度为11.10%,化肥在主要碳排放途径中占比最高,达到了56.26%;农田生态系统碳足迹由2001年的16.37×106 hm2下降到2020年的13.41×106 hm2,整体呈现出碳生态盈余.(2)从空间上看,中国31个省域的农田生态系统碳足迹在总量上存在明显差异,呈现出东部和北部高、西部低的分布格局,且海南和西藏等呈大幅度增长趋势,天津和上海等呈下降趋势;受耕地面积和农作物播种面积的影响,单位面积碳足迹整体呈先增长后下降的趋势且各省域之间呈现出显著差异,其中单位面积碳足迹最大的北京和最小的广西之间相差0.35 hm2/hm2.
Based on the relevant statistical data of the main farmland input,output and cultivated land area in 31 provinces in China from 2001 to 2020,the carbon absorption,carbon emission and carbon footprint of China's farmland ecosystem were calculated,and temporal and spatial patterns evolution characteristics were analyzed.The results showed that:(1)From the perspective of time,the total amount of carbon absorption in the farmland ecosystem showed a fluctuating upward trend,among which the crops with the strongest carbon absorption capacity were corn;The carbon emissions of farmland ecosystems generally showed an upward trend,with an increase rate of 11.10%,of which 56.26%of carbon emissions came from chemical fertilizers;From 2001 to 2020,the carbon footprint of farmland ecosystem decreased from 16.37×106 hm2 to 13.41×106 hm2,showing a carbon ecological surplus as a whole.(2)From a spatial point of view,there were obvious differences in the total carbon footprint of farmland ecosystems in 31 provinces in China,showing a distribution pattern of high in the east and north and low in the west.Hainan and Xizang showed a significant growth trend,and Tianjin and Shanghai showed a downward trend.Affected by the cultivated land area and the sown area of crops,the overall carbon footprint per unit area showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing,and there were significant differences between provinces and regions,among which the difference between Beijing with the largest carbon footprint per unit area and the smallest Guangxi was 0.35 hm2/hm2.