
2023年积石山6.2级地震诱发大规模黄土液化流滑的特征与启示 / Characteristics and lessons of liquefaction-triggered large-scale flow slide in loess deposit during Jishishan M6.2 earthquake in 2023
Document Type
Academic Journal
岩土工程学报 / Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 46(2):235-243
flow slide
loess deposit
ground motion
2023 年 12 月 18 日 23 时 59 分,甘肃省积石山县发生了 6.2 级地震,震中位于北纬 35.7°,东经 102.79°,震源深度10 km.本次地震在距震中约20 km的青海省海东市民和县永川乡金田村和草滩村二级阶地黄土台塬地貌下引发了长2.5 km的大规模液化流滑灾害,引起了国内外的高度关注.笔者在震后立即对该液化流滑灾害和地震动特征进行了现场联合调查,基于现场考察、无人机现场勘测、钻孔勘探、电法探测、参考历史同类灾害的前期研究成果等手段,初步查明了液化流滑的特征与机理.结果表明,该液化流滑是由于地震触发11 m深度以下地下水饱和的黄土层大面积液化,上覆土体随液化土体沿液化层带顺着 2°~3.5°的缓斜坡方向流滑进入冲沟,然后,沿坡度为 1.5°~5°的冲沟向下游继续流滑.在流滑过程中,液化土体中喷涌出的大量水与上覆土体中高含水率表层土中的水不断与流滑土体搅合揉搓使得流滑混合体在到达冲沟中下部的拦洪坝之前,已经演化为泥流.在遇到拦洪坝受阻漫溢到左右两岸的同时,泥流转而也进入了左侧另一条相邻冲沟一定距离,最终拦洪坝溃坝,泥流继续下泄到了金田村和草滩村,造成两村51户房屋被埋或冲毁,20余人死亡,泥流最终停止于两村下游约317 m处.并在结论中得到了评估与减轻此类灾害风险的启示.
At 23:59 of December 18,2023,a strong earthquake with a magnitude of M6.2 with a focal depth of 10 km struck Jishishan County in Gansu Province,China.The epicenter is located at N35.7° and E102.79°.A large-scale liquefaction-triggered flow slide in loess deposit on the secondary terrace with a gentle slope of 2°~3.5° of the Yellow River was induced by the earthquake,where is about 20 km away from the epicenter.The flow slide developed into a devastating mudflow to buried 51 houses in two villages of Jintian and Caotan,Qinghai Province and caused 20 people dead.A joint field investigation was carried out on the flow slide immediately after the earthquake.Based on the site reconnaissance,UAV survey,borehole exploration,electrical prospecting and analyses on both ground motion and the previous research achievements in liquefaction-triggered flow slides in loess deposit,the characteristics and mechanism of the large-scale flow slide are clarified preliminarily.The results show that the flow slide in loess deposit is triggered by the liquefaction in a large area of saturated loess layer below 11 m,the overburden soil mass slides into a gully with liquefied loess together along the liquefied layer in the direction of the gentle slope.And then,the mixture mass of soil and water continues moving down along the gully with a gradient of 1.5°~5°.During the flow sliding,stirring and rubbing each other continuously of the large amount of water gushes from the liquefied soil mass and the overburden soil has made its mixture to develop into a mud flow before the mixture arrives at a dam in the downstream of the gully.After meeting the dam,the mudflow overflows the banks at both sides,and at the same time,turns into the other neighbor gully at the left side for about a certain distance.Finally,the dam breaks and the mudflow moves down again along the gully,passes the two villages,and stops in a large area of farmland 317 m away from the villages.The lessons learned from the disaster are expounded for its risk assessment,mitigation and prevention.