
区域公共服务供给政府间合作的选择性策略 / Selective Strategies of Intergovernmental Cooperation for Regional Public Service Provision:Case Studies on Jing-Jin-Ji and Yangtze River Delta Urban Regions
Document Type
Academic Journal
上海行政学院学报 / The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute. 25(1):32-44
Inter-government Cooperation
Selective Strategy
Regional Public Service Provision
Urban Governance
Selective strategies are commonly applied in local government behavior,which usually considered as flexible responding to complex tasks and pressures for balancing different interests.Based on case studies of the Bei-jing Tianjin Hebei and Yangtze River Delta urban regions,this paper explores the selective strategies of intergov-ernmental cooperation from the structural process perspective of top-down intervention,interest incentives,re-source gaps,and risks.Using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods including interview research,online big data capture,and MRQAP multiple regression,this paper finds that there are different selective strategies under different structural pressure in different stage.The strong political relationship and top-down intervention signifi-cantly weaken the autonomy of local government cooperation.However,when the top-down pressure is compara-tively smaller,local interests and risk factors are more significant in inter-government selective cooperation.One of the main characteristics of autonomous selective strategies is that the goals and influencing factors of cooperation are significantly different at different stages.The impact of top-down intervention is most prominent during the stage of willingness expression,while the implementation stage is mainly influenced by administrative risks and so-cial resource gaps.The second characteristic is that cooperation in livelihood oriented public services is more fragile than economic oriented public services and more susceptible to external factors.The third characteristic is that the selection of cooperation partners mainly depends on self-interest factors which includes non-competitive relation-ships,administrative stability,geographical proximity,similar economic levels,complementary labor factors,and low financial risk.Therefore,the policy implication of this paper is that promoting balanced interaction between structural and procedural factors should become an important path for establishing effective regional cooperation.