
中国武术家庭代际传递现象研究 / Study on the Phenomenon of Home Intergenerational Transmission of Chinese Wushu
Document Type
Academic Journal
广州体育学院学报 / Journal of Guangzhou Sport University. 43(2):68-78
Chinese Wushu
family intergenerational transmission
impact mechanism
delivery mode
evolution phenomenon
This research comprehensively uses the methods of literature research,interview,case study,etc,and based on the interview contents of Wushu families with three or more generations of transmission,combined with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory,to deeply explore the phenomenon of family intergenerational transmission of Chinese Wushu.Research suggests that:The family intergenerational transmission of Chinese Wushu has taken shape in the Han Dynasty.Especially the Ming and Qing dynasties has been enriched and improved to this day.Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory,the main influence mechanism of the continuity and development of Chinese Wushu family intergenerational transmission is shown as follows,the survival demands of Wushu practitioners,the safety demands of physical fitness and self-defense,the emotional demands of psychological belonging and internal identification,the value demands of internal motivation and self realization,its main form is based on"Blood ties"as a bond,Based on"geography",Taking"karma".With the changes of living environment and Functional requirement,the expansion of inheritance forms and transmission paths,and the innovation of value concepts and theoretical knowledge since modern times,the family intergenerational transmission of Chinese Wushu has been forced to interrupt,expand borders,and cultural feedback.In this regard,it puts forward the development countermeasures of Chinese wushu family intergenerational transmission:1)Strengthen the value connotation of wushu family intergenerational transmission,guide and enhance the interest and will of the children;2)Clarify the trend of wushu family intergenerational transmission and optimize the way of wushu family intergenerational transmission;3)Accurately control and interpret relevant national policies,and strengthen the policy support of intergenerational transmission of martial arts families.