
异地高考政策对随迁子女高等教育机会的影响 / The Impact of the Cross-Regional College Entrance Examination Policy on the Higher Education Opportunities of Migrant Children:A Comparative Study of the Differences between Rural-Urban and Urban-Urban Floating Population
Document Type
Academic Journal
复旦教育论坛 / Fudan Education Forum. 21(5):112-119
cross-regional college entrance examination policy
migrant children
higher education opportunities
urban-rural differences
Most scholars argue that the policy of cross-regional college entrance examinations benefits rural migrant children with better family conditions,while a minority believe that it effectively safeguards their education rights.However,existing literature lacks comparative research on the impact of college entrance examination policies across regions on the higher education opportunities of different types of floating populations.This study aims to address this gap by examining the effects of cross-regional college entrance examination policies on the higher education opportunities of urban and rural migrant children,and investigating the moderating role of these policies.Using data from the 2017 Dynamic Monitoring Survey of Migration in China,this research analyzes the influence of college entrance examination policies on urban and rural migrant children's higher education opportunities.The findings indicate that the promotion effect of these policies on higher education opportunities for rural migrant children is significantly greater than for urban migrant children.Moreover,this effect is observed only in areas with high policy thresholds,while it is absent in areas with low thresholds.From a policy standpoint,the cross-regional college entrance examination policy enhances the mobility of rural migrant children and has a more substantial impact on their higher education opportunities compared to rural left-behind children.Additionally,this policy mitigates the influence of the socio-economic status of rural migrant children's families on their educational opportunities.Based on these findings,it is recommended that local governments uphold and improve the remote college entrance examination policy to promote higher education equity.Furthermore,local governments should enhance the capacity of local high schools to provide educational services,while the central government should continue to promote and enhance the reform of the college entrance examination admission system.