
浅析刘完素与朱丹溪三时养生思想 / Analysis on the Thoughts of Three-time Health Preservation from LIU Wan-su and ZHU Dan-xi
Document Type
Academic Journal
江西中医药大学学报 / Journal of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 31(2):14-29
LIU Wan-su
ZHU Dan-xi
Thoughts of Health Preservation
Age Stage
Contrastive Fusion
文章以三时养生为主线, 对刘完素与朱丹溪的养生思想进行比较, 并提炼出现代养生新观.刘完素以顺应自然、本于大道为养生原则, 注重精、气、神及饮食和生活起居, 并强调少年宜养, 当节饮食、适寒暑;青壮年宜治, 需逐邪适劳, 预防早衰;老年宜保延, 要养精气神, 药食调养和动静调气.而朱丹溪据阳有余阴不足论, 把养阴抑阳、保养精血的摄生理念贯穿于生命的三个时期, 强调少时护阴勿过暖热、青壮时晚婚节欲保阴、老年当补益脾胃和茹淡滋阴.两位医家对三时养生均有深刻的见解, 各时期养生之法既存在共通点, 又有相异之处.通过比较研究, 精确提炼二人对不同时期的养生学术思路, 形成基本的三时养生原则, 希冀指导当代中医学的养生实践.
This paper compares the health preservation thoughts between LIU Wan-su and ZHU Dan-xi, and extracts a new view of modern health preservation taking sanshi health preservation as the main line.LIU Wan-su's health-preserving principle was to followed the nature and to based on the main road.He paid attention to essence, Qi, spirit, diet and daily life.He also emphasized that adolescents should be fed properly, festive diet and suitable for cold and summer.Young and middle-aged people should be treated properly, and they need to fight evil and work properly to prevent premature senility.Old age shoule be appropriated to keep long, to keep spirit, medicine and food conditioning and static air conditioning.While, ZHU Dan-xi penetrated nourishing yin and suppressing yang and maintaining essence and blood in three periods of life based on his theory of Excess of Yang and Deficiency of Yin.He emphasized that the juvenile should protect yin not too warm hot, the youth should be late marriage, sexual abstinence and preserving Yin, the eld should replenish spleen-stomach and nourishing Yin.Both of LIU Wan-su and ZHU Dan-xi had profound views on health preservation in the third period, and the law of health preservation in each period had some similarities and differences.Through comparative study, the author refineds accurately their academic thoughts on health preservation in different periods, formeds the basic three time health preservation principle, and hopes to guide the practice of health preservation in contemporary Chinese medicine.