
喷头雾化雾滴尺寸和速度的空间分布实验研究 / Experimental Study on the Spatial Distribution of Spray Nozzle Atomization Droplet Size and Velocity
Document Type
Academic Journal
农机化研究 / Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research. 46(1):159-167
flat fan nozzle
droplet size
droplet velocity
雾滴尺寸及其运动速度直接影响药液的着靶效果和农药利用效率.为研究喷头雾化区域雾滴尺寸和雾滴速度空间分布,选取空气诱导扇形喷头 IDK120-03、万能型平面扇形喷头 LU120-03 和防飘移扇形喷头AD120-03 等 3 种典型喷头,利用相位多普勒粒子干涉仪测量了所选喷头在不同压力下的雾滴尺寸和雾滴速度,建模分析了喷头雾化后雾滴尺寸和雾滴速度空间分布规律.结果表明:在雾滴尺寸分布中,IDK120-03、LU120-03 和 AD120-03 各喷头中心垂直方向上雾滴尺寸与垂直距离无明显关系,雾滴尺寸随喷雾压力增加而减小,呈线性关系,线性系数在-0.85~-0.54 之间,相关程度均在 0.96 以上;水平方向上雾滴尺寸随水平距离增加而增大,对雾滴尺寸与水平距离二次多项式拟合,相关程度平均在 0.90 以上;垂直和水平方向上,IDK120-03 喷头雾滴尺寸最大、LU120-03 喷头最小.在雾滴速度分布中,各喷头中心垂直方向上雾滴速度随垂直距离增加而减小,呈线性关系,线性系数在-0.14~-0.01 之间,相关程度均在 0.99 以上;水平方向上各喷头雾滴速度随水平距离增加而减小,对雾滴速度与水平距离二次多项式拟合,相关程度平均在 0.96 以上,AD120-03 喷头雾滴速度最大,IDK120-03 喷头最小,LU120-03 喷头雾滴速度降低最快,IDK120-03 喷头雾滴速度降低最慢.喷头雾化雾滴尺寸和速度的空间分布的研究可为提高施药质量提供依据.
The droplet size and its movement speed directly affect the targeting effect and pesticide utilization efficiency of the pesticide solution.In order to study the spatial distribution of droplet size and droplet velocity in the atomization area of the nozzle,three typical nozzles,air-induced flat fan nozzle IDK120-03,universal plane flat fan nozzle LU120-03 and anti-drift flat fan nozzle AD120-03,were selected.The droplet size and droplet velocity of the selected nozzle under different pressures were measured by phase doppler particle interferometer.The spatial distribution of droplet size and droplet velocity after atomization was modeled and analyzed.The results showed that in the droplet size distribution,the droplet size in the vertical direction of IDK120-03,LU120-03 and AD120-03 nozzles had no obvious relationship with the vertical distance,and the droplet size decreased with the increase of spray pressure,showing a linear relation-ship.The linear coefficients were between-0.85 to-0.54,and the correlation degrees were all above 0.96.The droplet size in horizontal direction increases with the increase of horizontal distance.The correlation degree between droplet size and horizontal distance is above 0.90 on average by quadratic polynomial fitting.In the droplet velocity distribution,each nozzle center vertical direction droplet velocity decreases with increasing vertical distance,showing a linear relationship,the linear coefficient between-0.14 to-0.01,the correlation degree are more than 0.99;horizontal direction of each nozzle droplet velocity decreases with increasing horizontal distance.The correlation degree between droplet velocity and horizontal distance is above 0.96 on average by quadratic polynomial fitting.The spatial distribution of spray nozzle atomi-zation droplet size and its velocity provides the theoretical basis for improving application quality.