
Do All Cases of Diagnosed Carcinoma Cervix Need HIV Screening?
Document Type
Journal Article
Khurana, A and Chauhan, AK and Bansal, N and Verma, YP and Kaur, P (2014) Do All Cases of Diagnosed Carcinoma Cervix Need HIV Screening? [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
JOURNALS: Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Background: This observational study was aimed to determine the frequency of existence of sero-positivity for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection among women of age between 25 to 75 years with invasive cervical carcinoma and to decide whether HIV testing should be included as part of the initial routine work-up of cervical cancer patients. Methods: Histologically proven 120 cases of invasive carcinoma cervix, who came for treatment between 2009-2013, in the department of radiotherapy, after counselling gave consent were investigated for HIV by immunochromatography based rapid test. Results: Out of 120 patients investigated, reports revealed that only two patients (1.67%) were HIV seropositive. Both of these patients were already HIV seropositive and on gynaecological screening were found to have malignancy of cervix. No patient of diagnosed carcinoma cervix was found seropositive for HIV. Most patients (106/120) were above 40 years of age, from rural background (92/120) and housewives (80/120). Only 15% (18/120) were smokers. 95.8% (115/120) were of stage II and III. None presented with metastasis. Most common pathology was moderately differentiated carcinoma, in 76 patients (63.3%). Conclusion: Screening for HIV, as part of the initial work up for cervical cancer is not necessary in countries with limited resources and low HIV prevalence.