
Purposeful Plans for Computer Science Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Document Type
Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. :1362-1362
K-12 curriculum
K-12 instruction
digital skills
diversity, equity, and inclusion
education technology
enrollment growth
future ready
gender and diversity
high school development
social justice
Reaching diversity, equity, and inclusion in a computer science class requires planning and daily activity. This is not a one-size-fits-all model but is instead affected by the school's demographics, the individuals in the room on a given day, and the format of instruction (remote versus in-person, synchronous versus asynchronous). Administrators, teachers, guidance counselors and other parties must work together to foster diversity of enrollment, inclusive learning spaces, and inclusive instruction. During this Birds-of-a-Feather, participants will be supported through discussions that focus on these areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Participants will share their personal stories, successes and challenges from their classrooms and discuss ideas for future improvement with others invested in this worthy challenge. Participants will leave the BOF with a purposeful plan inspired by new allies to address these issues within their own classrooms. The Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS Program will also provide a guide used by more than 500 computer science educators this year (developed with partnerships from computer science education leaders Code.org, NCWIT, CSTA, and CSforAll) for future reference.

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