
Shuffler : A Large Scale Data Management Tool for Machine Learning in Computer Vision
Document Type
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning). :1-8
big data
computer vision
data managing
data reuse
machine learning
Datasets in the computer vision academic research community are primarily static. Once a dataset is accepted as a benchmark for a computer vision task, researchers working on this task will not alter it in order to make their results reproducible. At the same time, when exploring new tasks and new applications, datasets tend to be an ever changing entity. A practitioner may combine existing public datasets, filter images or objects in them, change annotations or add new ones to fit a task at hand, visualize sample images, or perhaps output statistics in the form of text or plots. In fact, datasets change as practitioners experiment with data as much as with algorithms, trying to make the most out of machine learning models. Given that ML and deep learning call for large volumes of data to produce satisfactory results, it is no surprise that the resulting data and software management associated to dealing with live datasets can be quite complex. As far as we know, there is no flexible, publicly available instrument to facilitate manipulating image data and their annotations throughout a ML pipeline. In this work, we present Shuffler, an open source tool that makes it easy to manage large computer vision datasets. It stores annotations in a relational, human-readable database. Shuffler defines over 40 data handling operations with annotations that are commonly useful in supervised learning applied to computer vision and supports some of the most well-known computer vision datasets. Finally, it is easily extensible, making the addition of new operations and datasets a task that is fast and easy to accomplish.

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