
Characterizing Speech in Life Saving Interventions to Inform Computerized Clinical Decision Support for Complex Medical Teamwork
Document Type
Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. :199-202
We describe an initial analysis of speech during team-based medical scenarios and its potential to indicate process delays in an emergency medical setting. We analyzed the speech of trauma resuscitation teams in cases with delayed intravenous/intraosseous (IV/IO) line placement, a significant contributor to delays during life-saving interventions. The insights gained from this analysis will inform the design of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) that will use multiple sensor modalities to alert medical teams to errors in real time. We contribute to the literature by determining how the intention of each speech line and the sentence can support real-time, automatic detection of delays during time-critical team activities.

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