
Smooth Imitation Learning via Smooth Costs and Smooth Policies
Document Type
5th Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data (9th ACM IKDD CODS and 27th COMAD). :63-71
continuous control
deep reinforcement learning
imitation learning
smooth policy
Imitation learning (IL) is a popular approach in the continuous control setting as among other reasons it circumvents the problems of reward mis-specification and exploration in reinforcement learning (RL). In IL from demonstrations, an important challenge is to obtain agent policies that are smooth with respect to the inputs. Learning through imitation a policy that is smooth as a function of a large state-action (s-a) space (typical of high dimensional continuous control environments) can be challenging. We take a first step towards tackling this issue by using smoothness inducing regularizers on both the policy and the cost models of adversarial imitation learning. Our regularizers work by ensuring that the cost function changes in a controlled manner as a function of s-a space; and the agent policy is well behaved with respect to the state space. We call our new smooth IL algorithm Smooth Policy and Cost Imitation Learning (SPaCIL, pronounced “Special”). We introduce a novel metric to quantify the smoothness of the learned policies. We demonstrate SPaCIL’s superior performance on continuous control tasks from MuJoCo. The algorithm not just outperforms the state-of-the-art IL algorithm on our proposed smoothness metric, but, enjoys added benefits of faster learning and substantially higher average return.

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