
Design and implementation of the glue-nail database system
Document Type
Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data. :147-156
We describe the design and implementation of the Glue-Nail database system. The Nail language is a purely declarative query language; Glue is a procedural language used for non-query activities. The two languages combined are sufficient to write a complete application. Nail and Glue code both compile into the target language IGlue. The Nail compiler uses variants of the magic sets algorithm, and supports well-founded models. Static optimization is performed by the Glue compiler using techniques that include peephole methods and data flow analysis. The IGlue code is executed by the IGlue interpreter, which features a run-time adaptive optimizer. The three optimizers each deal with separate optimization domains, and experiments indicate that an effective synergism is achieved. The Glue-Nail system is largely complete and has been tested using a suite of representative applications.

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