
Ant colony based rule generation for reusable software component retrieval
Document Type
Proceedings of the 1st India software engineering conference. :129-130
ant colony algorithms
software component
software reuse
Storage and representation of reusable software components in software repositories to facilitate convenient identification and retrieval has been always a concern for software reuse researchers. This paper discusses and demonstrated an ant colony algorithm based technique that generates rules to store and then identify the component from software repository for possible reuse. Proposed technique helps user in organization and storage of components in repository and later can help in identifying most appropriate component for given context. In first stage while searching it makes use of keywords, their synonyms and their inter-relationships. Then it makes use of ant colony optimization; initial pheromone of one is assigned to all domain representative terms of components. By updating pheromone for participating terms and non-participating terms iteratively and by calculating the quality of each rule generated, it leads to quality rules to represent and retrieve the reusable components

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