
Precise Time-synchronization in the Data-Plane using Programmable Switching ASICs
Document Type
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on SDN Research. :8-20
Network Measurement
Programmable Switches
Current implementations of time synchronization protocols (e.g. PTP) in standard industry-grade switches handle the protocol stack in the slow-path (control-plane). With new use cases of in-network computing using programmable switching ASICs, global time-synchronization in the data-plane is very much necessary for supporting distributed applications. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using programmable switching ASICs to design and implement a time synchronization protocol, DPTP, with the core logic running in the data-plane. We perform comprehensive measurement studies on the variable delay characteristics in the switches and NICs under different traffic conditions. Based on the measurement insights, we design and implement DPTP on a Barefoot Tofino switch using the P4 programming language. Our evaluation on a multi-switch testbed shows that DPTP can achieve median and 99th percentile synchronization error of 19 ns and 47 ns between 2 switches, 4-hops apart, in the presence of clock drifts and under heavy network load.

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