
Captioning Online Course Videos : An Investigation into Knowledge Retention and Student Perception
Document Type
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. :511-517
computing education
online instruction
The expansion of computer science programs into the digital world has significantly increased the use of videos as an instructional medium. In an effort to improve student performance in a video driven learning environment, this paper explores the impact of captions on learning performance. Previous work has focused on the benefits of captions for persons with disabilities, those learning English as a second language, and reading instruction for children. This work expands on the caption knowledge base by investigating (1) if the inclusion of captions significantly improves knowledge retention amongst all students in an online computer science course, and (2) if students perceive videos with captions as beneficial to learning. Our results show a statistically significant performance improvement after watching videos with captions vs. videos without captions. Students reported using captions as a learning resource as they helped reinforce video material, maintain focus, and enhance comprehension.

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