
Supplementation Trial on Arginine With Metabolic Profiling (STAMP)
Document Type
Supplementation Trial on Arginine With Metabolic Profiling
Amino Acid
This study will assess effects of an acute dose of the amino acid arginine on metabolism in healthy young men.
A double - blind randomized, crossover design trial examining arginine vs. placebo beverage treatments will be performed. The primary objective is to determine the effects of arginine assessed by standard laboratory assays and metabolomics. To accomplish the objective standardized meals will be provided for 2 days preceding treatment for dietary consistency. Participants will arrive at the center following a 10-12 hr fast. Blood samples will be collected at baseline (fasting), 1.5 hrs, 3.0 hrs, 6.0 hrs, and 24 hrs post treatment. Plasma prolactin, growth hormone, amino acids, glucose, insulin, triacylglycerols, thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, and T4), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBH), testosterone, cortisol, DHEA, and citrulline will be measured. Metabolomics will be measured at 3 time points for each treatment. Peripheral arterial tonometry (PAT) will also be performed at ~2 hrs following treatment to examine endothelial function in response to nitrous oxide release. In addition, psychological status including fatigue will be assessed using a standardized mood questionnaire (POMS).